Merchants - v2 (Legacy)
The getMerchants Feed contains information to help you map our merchants to your own internal system, as well as provide you with robust data about the merchant, the kinds of products it sells, where it ships to, and more. Only merchants you have selected will be included in this feed.
- 1 Glossary
- 2 API Endpoints
- 3 getMerchants
- 3.1 Request Parameters
- 3.2 Implementation
- 3.2.1 Response Elements
- 3.2.2 Example Response - JSON
- 3.2.3 Example Response - XML
- 3.2.4 Example Response - CSV
- 3.2.5 Example Response - TAB
- 3.2.6 Example Response - PIPE
Here is the glossary of all terms that are used within this document.
Term | Abbreviation | Definition |
API Endpoints
Description: Information to help gather information on all the merchants inside of our system.
Example Request:
Request Parameters
Name | Value(s) | Description | Required | Default |
key | APIKEY | API key for authentication, available on the API Keys & Calls page.( | Yes | N/A, must always be provided |
incremental | 0, 1 | The system will always remember your last incremental download. Using this option will download only deals added, modified, or deleted since your last download. | No | 0 |
format | String XML, JSON, CSV, TAB, or PIPE | Choose the feed format you would like returned. | No |
merchantids | Number(s) | Return only deals from a particular merchant. If you do not specify a merchantids value deals will be returned from all of your selected merchants. | No |
country | String. Two-Letter Country Code | Return only merchants with a particular Primary Country. |
preferred | 0,1 | Select preferred merchants | No | 0 |
all | 0,1 | Return all merchants rather than chosen merchants | No | 0 |
view | 0,1 | Print results to the screen rather than forcing a download for CSV and XML | No | 0 |
deactivated | 0,1 | Include deactivated merchants | No | 0 |
idplaceholder | String | Provide a placeholder value to replace with your affiliate ID | No |
plain-text |
| Same as view, except for JSON and CSV |
nosave | 0, 1 | This option is used for testing your incremental implementation. It prevents the incremental last download pointer from changing. | No |
network | String(s) | Return only deals from a particular network. | No |
programid | Number | Return only merchants from a particular network. Referer to the Network List for valid network slug values. | No |
sincedate | Date | Only return items added or modified since this date. The time pasted will be treated as US Pacific Time. | No |
deleted | 0,1 | Include deleted merchants | No | 0 |
v2categories | 0, 1 | This option is used to enable v2 categories on a per call basis. If V2 Categories is enabled on the Feed Settings ( page this parameter is unnecessary. | No |
Response Elements
Name | Description |
MerchantID | Unique ID assigned to the merchant by FMTC. |
MasterMerchantID | Each unique merchant has an ID that is shared across all the networks a merchant is active on. |
SkimlinksID | Deprecated - use the SkimlinksIDs field documented below. |
SkimlinksIDs | More than one SkimlinksID can be associated with a single FMTCID. This field contains all of the associated SkimlinksIDs. This information can be useful for associating Skimlinks commissions to a,merchant in your system. This array replaces the SkimlinksID value also,in the feed. We added this field after discovering that there is more,than one SkimlinksID for the same merchant and it is impossible to,predict which SkimlinksID they are using to track clicks and commissions. |
MerchantName | Name of the merchant. |
Network | Network this merchant is on. |
NetworkID | ID assigned to the merchant by the network their program is on. This field is also known as the ProgramID. |
ProgramID | ID assigned to the merchant by the network their program is on. This field is also known as the NetworkID. |
NetworkNotes | Details on locating the merchant on the network. Mostly used when the merchant is listed under a parent company name. |
DualMerchant | Signifies if the merchant is available on more than one network. |
RelatedMerchants | If a merchant is available on more than one network, information about the other programs will be provided in the following, format FMTC MerchantID - Merchant Name - Network - Network ProgramID. |
AffiliateLink | Homepage affiliate link for the merchant. |
SkimlinksURL | The merchant's homepage URL monetized by Skimlinks. Must be enabled and Skimlinks Publisher ID must be provided. |
FreshReachURL | The merchant's homepage URL monetized by FreshReach®. Must be enabled and FreshReach® ID must be provided. |
FMTCURL | FMTC tracking URL. FMTC will determine if you should use the Network Affiliate URL or the Skimlinks URL depending on your relationship status with the merchant. |
Homepage | The merchant's homepage URL. |
Status | The status of a merchant in the FMTC database. Statuses are active - Normal deactivated - Merchant program may be temporarily offline. deleted - Merchant has been removed from FMTC's system. These merchants are temporarily included for your information. |
SelectedStatus | Indicates if a merchant is among your selected merchants. 0 = not selected. 1 = selected. Especially helpful when using the complete=1 or all=1 parameter. |
RelationshipStatus | Indicates if you are approved at the network for this specific merchant. Requires Merchant Sync set up. |
PrimaryCountry | The country the merchant is primarily targeting. |
ShiptoCountries | The country or countries the merchant will ship to. Country name, comma delimited. |
APOFPO | Indicates if a merchant ships to APO/FPO (overseas military) addresses. |
PrimaryCategory | Primary category of merchandise the merchant sells. |
Subcategories | Subcategories of merchandise the merchant sells. |
CategoriesV2 | V2 Categories of merchandise the merchant sells. |
SpecialPaymentOptions | Indicates if a merchant accepts Paypal, Amazon Payment,, WU Pay, and/or Bill Me Later, Google Wallet. Premium Feed users can activate this field in Feed Settings. Options: paypal, amazon-payments, vme, wu-pay, and bill-me-later. Comma delimited. |
MobileCertified | Indicates the affiliate cookie will track on a mobile device. This data provided by the networks and not verified by FMTC. |
Logos | Contains information about the logo files that are returned in the getLogos call. Premium subscription required. Coupon Mini subscribers can add logos to their feed for $50 / month. |
CustomLogo | Custom logo that was added by you (if any). This feature must first be enabled in Feed Settings. You will then be able to add a custom logo on the Manage Merchants page by clicking the customize icon next to the merchant name. The image must be hosted on your own site and you simply need to provide us with the URL. |
CustomDescription | Custom description that was added by you (if any). This feature must first be enabled in Feed Settings. You will then be able to add a custom description on the Manage Merchants page by clicking the customize icon next to the merchant name. |
Added | Indicates the date the merchant was added to FMTC's database. |
LastUpdated | Indicates the last time a merchant's information was changed. Changes,can sometimes be made to logos, categories, ship-to countries, special payment options, etc. |
cRepName | Merchant Representative Name (when available) |
cRepEmail | Merchant Representative Email (when available) |
cRepPhone | Merchant Representative Phone (when available) |
Example Response - JSON
Here is an example of a JSON Response from the getMerchants endpoint.
"nMerchantID": 40028,
"nMasterMerchantID": 657,
"nSkimlinksID": 0,
"cName": "Petco",
"cNetwork": "IR",
"cProgramID": "10290",
"cNetworkNotes": "",
"bDual": 0,
"aDualMerchants": [],
"nParentMerchantID": "0",
"cAffiliateURL": "",
"cSkimlinksURL": "",
"cFreshReachURL": "",
"cFMTCURL": "",
"cHomepageURL": "",
"cStatus": "active",
"dtCreated": "2019-09-20T07:09:45-07:00",
"dtLastUpdated": "2021-02-02T21:58:55-08:00",
"bSelected": 1,
"bRelationshipExists": "0",
"cPrimaryCountry": "US",
"aShipToCountries": [
"bAPOFPO": 1,
"cPrimaryCategory": "pets",
"bMobileCertified": "0",
"aLogos": [],
"aSkimlinksIDs": null,
"aPaymentOptions": [],
"cCustomMerchantName": "",
"cCustomMerchantLogo": "",
"cCustomMerchantDescription": "",
"repName": "",
"repEmail": "",
"repPhone": "",
"bCurbsidePickup": "0",
"aCategories": [
Example Response - XML
Here is an example of an XML Response from the getMerchants endpoint.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Example Response - CSV
Here is an example of a CSV Response from the getMerchants endpoint.
MerchantID,MerchantName,Network,NetworkID,NetworkNotes,DualMerchant,RelatedMerchants,ParentMerchantID,AffiliateURL,SkimlinksURL,HomepageURL,Status,Added,LastUpdated,SelectedStatus,RelationshipStatus,PrimaryCountry,ShipsToCountries,APOFPO,PrimaryCategory,Subcategories,SpecialPaymentOptions,MobileCertified,Logo88x31,Logo120x60,CustomLogo,CustomDescription,nMasterMerchantID,FreshReachURL,"Rep Name","Rep Email","Rep Phone",bCurbsidePickup
Example Response - TAB
Here is an example of a TAB Response from the getMerchants endpoint.
Example Response - PIPE
Here is an example of a PIPE Response from the getMerchants endpoint.
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