Exclusive Data

Explore Information about the Exclusive Data that can be added to FMTC. Please refer any general questions regarding the exclusive data and/or this documentation to your Account Manager or support@fmtc.co.

Exclusive Merchants

Add an Exclusive Merchant to the FMTC system and have the merchant show up in your FMTC account.

Exclusive Deals

Once an Exclusive Merchant has been added, the ability to add Exclusive Deals from those Merchants into the FMTC system to be seen throughout FMTC on your account.

Custom Logos

How to add Custom Logos to merchants to allow you to have a different logo without size restrictions that are offered by FMTC.

Custom Descriptions

How to add Custom Descriptions for merchants and receive that information through the API endpoints.

Email: support@fmtc.co
Telephone: 512-430-4970

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