Quick Tips
General Tips
We recommend using XML or JSON format. These formats make it easier to integrate new FMTC features. They also allow us to deliver more information to you about local deals and logos. All of the calls have sample JSON code on the documentation pages.
Pull incremental data every 30 minutes and non-incremental as needed to ensure your local data is up to date.
There is a daily API limit of 500 calls per day.
Tips: getDeals
Pay attention to the status and lastupdated values in the getDeals feed.
Start and end TIMES are stated in PACIFIC TIME. It is important to take this into account. Posting offers too early can jeopardize your commissions and affiliate relationships. Taking offers down too late will result in a poor consumer experience.
If the deal status is not active, remove the deal from your database.
Store the lastupdated value in your local database so you can compare it to feed value. If the feed value has changed, update your local record.
A deal that expires on 2050-12-31 should be treated as having an unknown expiration date. Don't show that date to your end user.
The deal rating starts at 1 and higher is better.
When making a full getDeals call the feed can easily exceed 10,000 records, be more than 20MB and take a couple minutes to generate so set your timeout accordingly.
Tips: getMerchants
Reference the network ID as well as store name when mapping merchants.
Use MerchantSync and you won't have to manually add and remove programs. Your feed will automatically contain data for programs you are approved for and it can remove programs that have terminated your relationship or gone offline.
If the deal status is not active, remove it from your database.
Store the lastupdated value in your local database so you can compare it to feed value. If the feed value has changed, update your local record.
Pay close attention to the status and lastupdated values in the getMerchants feed.
Tips: getNetworks, getCategories and getTypes
The network slugs that are used in the feed can be found on the Network Lists or through the getNetworks API call.
The category slugs that are used in the feed can be found on the Categories List or through the getCategories API call.
The type slugs that are used in the feed can be found on the Deal Types List or through the getTypes API call.
Tips: getLogos
- Logos are all in .gif or .png format.
- The getLogos call generates a zip file containing all the logos for your selected merchants. The FMTC MerchantID and logo size are in the filename in this format: "_.gif" or "_.png".
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