Links / Social
Link Structures
Last Updated: 01/21/2021
For questions and additional information, please contact the network.
BID | Banner ID |
AfID | Affiliate ID |
AdID | Advertiser ID (merchant ID) |
To view a further explanation of clixGalore links, please visit How Does the clixGalore Affiliate Marketing Banner & Text Linking Code Work? (clixgaloretutor.com)
URL Structures
For all links here, across all networks, the "%" is a placeholder, matching 0 or more characters. It's typically the value of a URL parameter, and is also used in "http%://" to indicate that both "http" and "https" are possible.
Note: The examples below have not been confirmed, so they may not accurately reflect all supported network link structures. Please contact the network for more details and information.
http%://www.clixGalore.com/PSale.aspx?BID=%&AfID=AFFILIATEID&AdID=%&LP=% |