Name | Value(s) | Description | Required | Default |
api_token | APIKEY | API key for authentication, available on the API Keys & Calls page.(https://account.fmtc.co/cp/api_keys) | Yes | N/A, must always be provided |
format | String XML, JSON, CSV, TAB, or PIPE | Choose the feed format you would like returned. | No | JSON |
incremental | Number | The amount of time from the previous call and to include only items that have changed since this time. For Example, setting this value to 60 will send back all changes in the past 60 minutes from the time of this call. | No | 0 |
premium | 0,1 | Select premium merchants | No | 0 |
merchantids | Number(s) | Return only deals from a particular merchant. If you do not specify a merchantids value deals will be returned from all of your selected merchants. | No | null |
programid | Number | Return only merchants from a particular network. Referer to the Network List for valid network slug values. | No | null |
networkid | Number | Return only deals from a particular network. | No | null |
country | String. Two-Letter Country Code | Return only merchants with a particular Primary Country. | null | |
sincedate | Date (YYYY-MM-DD) | Only return items added or modified since this date. The time pasted will be treated as US Pacific Time. | No | null |
all | 0, 1 | Return all merchants rather than selected merchants | No | 0 |
page_size | Number 0 - 1000 | Size of each page for the results of this call. | No | 100 |