Name | Description |
id | Unique ID assigned to the merchant by FMTC. |
master_merchant_id | Each unique merchant has an ID that is shared across all the networks a merchant is active on. |
skimlinks_id | More than one Skimlinks id can be associated with a single FMTC ID. This field contains all of the associated skimlinks_ids. This information can be useful for associating Skimlinks commissions to a,merchant in your system. This array replaces the skimlinks_id value also,in the feed. We added this field after discovering that there is more,than one skimlinks_id for the same merchant and it is impossible to,predict which skimlinks_id they are using to track clicks and commissions. |
name | Name of the merchant. |
network_id | An FMTC assigned ID for the affiliate network associated with this merchant. Use Network endpoint for available networks. |
program_id | A Network assigned ID for the merchant that their program is on. |
network_notes | Details on locating the merchant on the network. Mostly used when the merchant is listed under a parent company name. |
dual_merchants | Signifies if the merchant is available on more than one network. |
affiliate_url | Homepage affiliate link for the merchant. |
skimlinks_url | The merchant's homepage URL monetized by Skimlinks. Must be enabled and Skimlinks Publisher ID must be provided. |
freshreach_url | The merchant's homepage URL monetized by FreshReachâ„¢. Must be enabled and FreshReach ID must be provided. |
fmtc_url | FMTC tracking URL. FMTC will determine if you should use the Network Affiliate URL or the Skimlinks URL depending on your relationship status with the merchant. |
homepage | The merchant's homepage URL. |
status | The status of a merchant in the FMTC database. Statuses are active - Normal deactivated - Merchant program may be temporarily offline. deleted - Merchant has been removed from FMTC's system. These merchants are temporarily included for your information. |
selected_status | Indicates if a merchant is among your selected merchants. 0 = not selected. 1 = selected. |
relationship_status | Indicates if you are approved at the network for this specific merchant. Requires Merchant Sync set up. |
primary_country | The country the merchant is primarily targeting. |
shiptocountries | The country or countries the merchant will ship to. Country name, comma delimited. |
ap_fpo_shipping | Indicates if a merchant ships to APO/FPO (overseas military) addresses. |
categories | Categories of merchandise the merchant sells. |
mobile_certified | Indicates the affiliate cookie will track on a mobile device. This data provided by the networks and not verified by FMTC. |
last_updated | Indicates the last time a merchant's information was changed. Changes,can sometimes be made to logos, categories, ship-to countries, special payment options, etc. |
rep_name | Merchant Representative Name (when available) |
rep_email | Merchant Representative Email (when available) |
rep_phone | Merchant Representative Phone (when available) |
Example Response - JSON
Here is an example of a JSON Response from the Deal Merchants endpoint.
links - JSON and XML link - CSV, Tab, Pipe - will be located in the HTML link header. Â | All the different links that are for going through the pagination. first - The first page of the endpoint call. last - The last page of the endpoint call. prev - The previous page of the endpoint call. next - The next page of the endpoint call. |
meta | The information about the current endpoint call. |
Example Response - JSON
Here is an example of a JSON Response from the Deal Merchants endpoint.
Code Block |
{ "data": [ { "id": 13, "master_merchant_id": 13, "name": "AreYouGame.com", "homepage": "https://www.areyougame.com/", "premium": 0, "network_id": 3, "program_id": "247913", "dual_merchants": [], "status": "active", "created": "2007-01-01T08:00:00.000000Z", "last_updated": "2022-05-01T13:07:59.000000Z", "selected_status": 1, "datarelationship_status": [ 1, "affiliate_url": {"https://www.dpbolvw.net/click-TestCJP-55431", "id": 13"skimlinks_url": "https://go.redirectingat.com/?id=1&xs=1&xcust=4mtc&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.areyougame.com%2F", "masterfreshreach_merchant_idurl": 13, "name": "AreYouGame.com"https://freshreach.co/click.php?m=13&cid=FMTC&uid=9107&sid=4mtc", "homepagefmtc_url": "https://www.areyougame.comfmtc.co/m/13/", "premiumprimary_country": 0"US", "network_idshiptocountries": 3, "program_id": "247913",[ "dual_merchants": [],US", "status": "activeCA", "created": "2007-01-01T08:00:00.000000ZUK", "last_updated": "2022-05-01T13:07:59.000000Z"AU" ], "selected_statuscategories": [ 1, "relationship_status": 1toys-games" ], "affiliate_url": "https://www.dpbolvw.net/click-TestCJP-55431"skimlinks_id": 645, "skimlinksnetwork_urlnotes": "https://go.redirectingat.com/?id=1&xs=1&xcust=4mtc&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.areyougame.com%2F", "freshreach_url": "https://freshreach.co/click.php?m=13&cid=FMTC&uid=9107&sid=4mtcrep_name": "Heather Mannion", "fmtcrep_urlemail": "https://fmtc.co/m/13/affiliates@areyougame.com ", "primaryrep_countryphone": "US", "shiptocountriesapo_fpo_shipping": [ 0, "US",curbside_pickup": 0, "mobile_certified": 0 "CA", } ], "UKlinks",: { "first": URL + "&page=1", "AUlast": URL + "&page=16", ]"prev": null, "next": URL + "categories&page=2": [ }, "toys-gamesmeta": { "current_page": 1, ], "from": 1, "skimlinkslast_idpage": 64516, "path": "http://s3.fmtc.co/api/v3/deals-merchants", "networkper_notespage": "", 100, "rep_nameto": "Heather Mannion"100, "total": 1518 "rep_email": "affiliates@areyougame.com ", }, } |
Example Response - XML
Here is an example of an XML Response from the Deal Merchants endpoint.
Code Block |
<!-- Created with Liquid Studio 2019 (https://www.liquid-technologies.com) --> <results> "rep_phone": "",<data> "apo_fpo_shipping": 0,<merchant> "curbside_pickup": 0,<id>13</id> <master_merchant_id>13</master_merchant_id> "mobile_certified": 0 <name>AreYouGame.com</name> } ], } |
Example Response - XML
Here is an example of an XML Response from the Deal Merchants endpoint.
Code Block |
<!-- Created with Liquid Studio 2019 (https<homepage>https://www.liquid-technologiesareyougame.com) --> <results>/</homepage> <data> <premium>0</premium> <merchant> <id>13</<network_id>3</network_id> <master<program_merchant_id>13</master_merchantid>247913</program_id> <name>AreYouGame.com</name><dual_merchants/> <homepage>https://www.areyougame.com/</homepage><status>active</status> <premium>0</premium><created>2007-01-01 08:00:00</created> <network_id>3</network_id><last_updated>2022-05-01 13:07:59</last_updated> <program<selected_id>247913<status>1</programselected_id>status> <dual<relationship_merchants/>status>1</relationship_status> <status>active</status><affiliate_url>https://www.dpbolvw.net/click-TestCJP-55431</affiliate_url> <created>2007-01-01 08:00:00</created> <skimlinks_url>https://go.redirectingat.com/?id=1&xs=1&xcust=4mtc&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.areyougame.com%2F</skimlinks_url> <last_updated>2022-05-01 13:07:59</last_updated> <freshreach_url>https://freshreach.co/click.php?m=13&cid=FMTC&uid=9107&sid=4mtc</freshreach_url> <selected_status>1</selected_status><fmtc_url>https://fmtc.co/m/13/</fmtc_url> <relationship<primary_status>1<country>US</relationship_status>primary_country> <shiptocountries> <affiliate_url>https://www.dpbolvw.net/click-TestCJP-55431</affiliate_url> <skimlinks_url>https://go.redirectingat.com/?id=1&xs=1&xcust=4mtc&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.areyougame.com%2F</skimlinks_url><country>US</country> <freshreach_url>https://freshreach.co/click.php?m=13&cid=FMTC&uid=9107&sid=4mtc</freshreach_url><country>CA</country> <fmtc_url>https://fmtc.co/m/13/</fmtc_url><country>UK</country> <country>AU</country> <primary_country>US</primary_country></shiptocountries> <shiptocountries><categories> <country>US</country><category>toys-games</category> </categories> <country>CA</country> <skimlinks_id>645</skimlinks_id> <country>UK</country> <network_notes/> <rep_name>Heather <country>AU</country>Mannion</rep_name> <rep_email>affiliates@areyougame.com </shiptocountries>rep_email> <categories><rep_phone/> <category>toys-games</category><apo_fpo_shipping>0</apo_fpo_shipping> </categories><curbside_pickup>0</curbside_pickup> <skimlinks<mobile_id>645<certified>0</skimlinks_id> mobile_certified> </merchant> </data> <links> <network_notes/> <first>URL + &page=1</first> <rep_name>Heather Mannion</rep_name> <last>URL + &page=16</last> <prev/> <rep_email>affiliates@areyougame.com </rep_email> <next>URL + &page=2</next> <rep_phone/></links> <meta> <apo_fpo<current_shipping>0<page>1</apo_fpo_shipping>current_page> <from>1</from> <curbside<last_pickup>0<page>16</curbsidelast_pickup>page> <path>http://s3.fmtc.co/api/v3/deals-merchants</path> <mobile<per_certified>0<page>100</mobile_certified>per_page> <to>100</to> <<total>1518</merchant>total> </data>meta> </results> |
Example Response - CSV